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Blog / 4 Signs Your Living Room Is Due for a Refresh

4 Signs Your Living Room Is Due for a Refresh

Living rooms should show off your home’s best features. After all, they’re usually where you entertain guests, relax, read, and converse. They should be comfortable and cozy spaces too. But even the best living rooms have a time limit on their fabulousness. Is your living room due for a revamp? Here are four signs your living room is due for a refresh.

You Can’t Remember the Last Time You Added a Piece

Think back to the last piece of furniture you specifically bought for the living room. More than likely, you have a faint memory of purchasing the couch or end table at a big box store or online. You probably had it delivered and installed, and that’s the end of the memory. If you can’t recall when you picked that last piece, it may be time to update the room. Don’t live in the past, and don’t keep your living room there.

Crowded House

If the living room is feeling a wee bit cramped, it’s time to declutter and update. When your furniture interferes with foot traffic, take a few hours to remove pieces you rarely use, furniture that’s falling apart, and anything else that seems old and in the way. Adding new pieces without removing old ones is a recipe for disaster, or at least a cramped and uncomfortable space.

Your Lifestyle Has Changed; Your Living Room Has Not

Is your living room still meeting your needs? If you now have kids, is it a safe place to wander and play? If the kids have grown and moved out, is there too much furniture for your purposes? Take stock of the living room and see whether it’s still your kind of place as well. Write down what needs to go and what you can refurbish and reuse. Moreover, consider how much change it really needs.

Is It Looking More “Haunted House” Than “Happy Home”?

Here’s the last of our four signs your living room is due for a refresh. Note the condition of the last paint job and whether there are marks and other cosmetic damage on the walls, ceilings, floors, and furniture. Are the furniture pieces wildly out of style, frayed, or falling apart? Then it’s time to give the space a deep cleaning, new furniture, and a few coats of paint.

If you’re wondering how to bring your living room back to life, contact us for a consultation. We offer plenty of beautiful and affordable living room furniture!